Wednesday 7 September 2011

Richard Dyer

Richard Dyer is an English academic whom specialises in the film industry and media and is now the Head of Media and Kings University and previously to that he worked at Warwick University.

He came up with the theory about "star image" and how the media focuses mainly on the quality of the celebrity's image and how they would best sell towards their target audience; an example being Cheryl Cole:

She is someone whom has been completely constructed by the media in order to create a "perfect" woman, her look, voice and how she is the 'face of l'oreal' is all down to the "star image" that Richard Dyer is discussing and is an indication of how much the media has taken over our lives. Moreover, this is also specifically relevant with the fact that most stars now are on twitter allowing 'regular' people to follow them and thus, feel apart of the famous lifestyle.

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