Tuesday 30 November 2010

Opening Sequence Ideas

-Open with Obama (Glen) doing a speech in front of a lot of reporters
-Cut to black out and title is shown
-Montage of news reports from different countries (Chinese, English, French, Spanish etc.)
-Montage shots of detective investigating assassination

The whole sequence will journey over several weeks of research for the detective so that there is enough information to make the audience understand what is going on.

Thriller Research

During today's lesson my group and I developed our idea of having our thriller on the assassination of Barack Obama and so researched various historical factors, anti-obama sites etc.
We couldn't decide on a name and so translated ASSASSINATION into Latin and it came out as: caedem
This was a good name, but didn't really hold a lot of meaning so we began researching more into the historical factors and those who would be likely of assassination of Obama and found an entire website called: http://www.americansagainstobama.com/ and holds members who are racists and do not agree with having a coloured president. as well as those who believe that he shouldn't run America because they think he is lying about being a proper American and actually a Muslim. Additionally, there have been many racist attacks on Obama and one comment that I thought was the most offensive and discriminative was by a blogger and posted:  "The KKK or someone WILL assassinate Obama! If we get a NIGGER President all you NIGGER’s [sic] will think you’ve won and that the WHITE people will have to bow to you" I felt hurt when I read that and so believe that it has a huge impact on our thriller for the future. Moreover, we also studied previous assassinations and there are many links between each one, a significant one being that they all got shot in the head and so we will have Glen (playing Obama) get shot in the head. Additionally, each presidents have a code name that their body guards use to talk of them:
Barack Obama: Renegade
George Bush: Tumbler
Bill Clinton: Eagle
George Bush: Timberwolf
Jimmy Carter: Deacon
Ronald Reagon: Rawhide
Gerald Ford: Passkey
Richard Nixon: Searchlight
Lyndon Johnson
John F. Kennedy: Lancer
Each one was used to command their attention quickly without causing a huge fuss. Obama's name is Renegade which we thought was strange as by definition renegade means:
1. a person who deserts a party or cause for another.
2. an apostate from a religious faith.
3. of or like a renegade; traitorous.
and holds synonyms of traitor, deserter, betrayer and dissenter. SO WHY CHOOSE THAT AS A NICKNAME? It could be because he is the first black president and therefore is going to run the country his way but it gave us a name that we could develop into a thriller. Additionally, the name also relates to the threats and haters of Barack Obama and their feelings, which we feel needs to be included within the opening sequence.