Thursday 15 September 2011

Further research into Snow Patrol

By choosing a song by Snow Patrol, an already well-established band, I had to further my research in them and their target audience.

The picture of them is an indication that the band is only men and that they are serious about what they are doing, linking to Adele's image also as with Adele, they are wearing fairly normal clothing to establish that everyone can relate to them.

One of the first places I went to look was their website, here is a screen grab of their homepage and main page of their website:

Similar artists include bands like Coldplay and Keane, both of which are listened by the likes are aimed at an older audience. However, through my video I hope to also attract a younger audience as well.


Both bands have a soulful atmosphere to their music with meaningful lyrics that can be relatable to a younger audience as well as an older audience.

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